Let's be clear about this.

* Lots of people think that the Dojo-based AJAX tags would be useful if they
worked with the latest versions of Dojo, or some other toolkit.
* Few, if any, people want to use them in their current form.
* Nobody has stepped up and offered to migrate these tags to anything else,
whether that's a newer version of Dojo or another toolkit.

So, the short answer is, step up or shut up.

We'd be happy to see someone take on this task, but I have had it up to
_here_ with people who complain and expect someone else to do the work.

Martin Cooper

On Wed, Jan 14, 2009 at 10:19 PM, Andreas Joseph Krogh <andr...@officenet.no
> wrote:

> On Wednesday 14 January 2009 23:42:18 Gustave Pheiffers wrote:
> > Thanks for the info.
> >
> > It would be a shame if the <sx tags were to disappear because they are
> easy to use especially the "<sx:submit validate="true"..." with Ajax
> validation. But I suppose its alot of work to upgrade/maintain the DOJO
> plugin.
> I think there should be a warning-sign about this on the web (
> http://struts.apache.org/2.1.6/index.html). Built-in AJAX-support
> (first-class AJAX support) is one of the things Struts2 announces as a
> main-feature, and with the dojo-plugin going away this isn't true any more.
> This means Struts-2.1 no longer has any decent ui-tags?
> --
> Andreas Joseph Krogh <andr...@officenet.no>
> Senior Software Developer / CEO
> ------------------------+---------------------------------------------+
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> Karenslyst Allé 11      | know how to do a thing and to watch         |
> PO. Box 529 Skøyen      | somebody else doing it wrong, without       |
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