AppFuse doesn't do in-memory scaffolding - just generated-files type scaffolding. I'd love to enhance its Struts 2 flavor to support what you're talking about.


On Aug 19, 2009, at 9:53 PM, Wes Wannemacher <> wrote:

On Wednesday 19 August 2009 07:34:09 pm Dave Newton wrote:
Isn't that one of the things AppFuse does?


I'm not an appfuse user, but I would assume that my idea is probably slightly different. I want the JSP results auto-created in memory within the running app. What I am thinking is that you could start with models (JDO, JPA, or Hibernate entities), then, with this "plugin" requests for CRUD operations will just "appear"... I guess it would be similar to REST, but not a web service. So, if you have an entity called Person with firstName, lastName, and
birthday properties, you could request -


and be presented with a (paginated) list of all the people in the database, then when you click one, it auto-creates a page with a form for editing the properties. Add and delete would be available as well. To expand the idea, I would also like links on each of the pages generated for "edit" to present
more links to manage any related entities.

The key here is the list/create/edit/delete/manage related entities pages are all created in memory when the request happens or when the app starts (or by command line). The form and validation is created based on the types of the
properties and other entity metadata.

My thinking is that with a plugin like this, the sitemesh plugin and a set of JPA entities, it'd be possible to ajax web-app up and running with no effort.

Maybe AppFuse already does this, I'll go check it out.


Wes Wannemacher

Head Engineer, WanTii, Inc.
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