guys, can you start a different thread for this? :)

On Thu, Dec 10, 2009 at 11:27 AM, Gabriel Belingueres
<> wrote:
> Granted, most people implement wizards this way, but the most
> compelling use of storing state in conversation scope (IMO) is to
> allow correct behavior when a user clones a browser window, and then
> allow better support for the back button. Even with conversation
> support the pages still need to pass along at least one request
> parameter: the conversation id, so in general terms you end up writing
> the same thing only that instead of passing actual data as request
> parameters you pass only a key to some other abstraction.
> Some conversation implementations are not compelling at all. See the
> struts2scopeplugin for example, it stores only one conversation per
> user session which is of course useless for multi-window apps.
> I've been researching the conversation features in JBoss Seam and
> Spring Web Flow, which I think are the 2 more important frameworks
> supporting it. The most sophisticated one is SFW which pretty much
> abstract the whole page and actions interactions (the flow) into one
> file, that is an XML file describing a FSM of the states the app is in
> a given time. For that thing to work, the request parameter that the
> app pass along in the pages is a composite between the conversation id
> and the "continuation id" (a fancy name for naming the current state
> in the flow FSM the app is in.)
> Also the conversation scope is the basis for other features like
> supporting the handy session-per-conversation pattern in ORMs.
> What I finally mean is that I seriously consider conversation scope
> support something important (at least for the kind of apps I work in.)
> Regards
> Gabriel
> 2009/12/10 Andreas Joseph Krogh <>:
>> On Thursday 10. December 2009 15.31.15 Alex Siman wrote:
>>> Wes Wannemacher wrote:
>>> >
>>> > "Everything is tied to either the request
>>> > or the session, I can't build wizard-style views"
>>> >
>>> Yeah, we need wizards sometimes.
>> I would argue that it would be nice to have, but not a must. Most 
>> implementations I've seen of "conversation"-scope are rather messy and don't 
>> provide anything beyond what you can achieve with 
>> ScopedModelDriver(scope=session) and some custom-code. I've built several, 
>> robust, wizard-like UIs using Struts2 without any problems.
>> --
>> Andreas Joseph Krogh <>
>> Senior Software Developer / CTO
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