can you update the StrutsSpringTestCase in the repository?
Many Thanks for this important discovery and the solution!

Saludos Cordiales desde EEUU
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> Date: Tue, 9 Mar 2010 11:46:43 +0100
> From:
> To:
> Subject: StrutsSpringTestCase - Memory Leak
> Hi All,
> I ran into an issue with the StrutsSpringTestCase class when doing my  
> unit tests. Basically the memory kept climbing until it crashed the  
> machine.
> This class is actually loading the applicationContext for every test  
> case that extends it. And because the applicationContext is static the  
> instances of the spring beans loaded are not cleaned up by the garbage  
> collector.
> What I ended up doing was overriding the method with the following in  
> my base test class for Struts 2. The only difference being the check  
> to see if applicationContext is null. This has the added benefit of  
> speeding up the tests.
> protected void setupBeforeInitDispatcher() throws Exception {
>          // only load beans from spring once
>          if (applicationContext == null) {
>               GenericXmlContextLoader xmlContextLoader = new  
> GenericXmlContextLoader();
>              applicationContext =  
> xmlContextLoader.loadContext(getContextLocations());
>          }
> servletContext.setAttribute(WebApplicationContext.ROOT_WEB_APPLICATION_CONTEXT_ATTRIBUTE,
> applicationContext);
>      }
> Hope this helps anyone who runs into the same issue.
> Cheers,
> Carl.
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