
I spent the better part of yesterday pulling source project whose plugin was 
abending in eclipse..

I vote for a 3 part approval
1)Functionality Reason(s)
e.g. Supports Tagging Branch-Labels..snapshots...pullling deltas instead of the 
whole nine yards

2)IDE Support:
e.g. *workable* plugins for Eclipse, Netbeans, Idea

3)referencable repositories work in

Git in my mind fails all 3  so i say keep svn

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> From:
> Date: Fri, 14 Jun 2013 10:13:11 +0200
> Subject: Emotions on GIT @ Struts
> To:
> Hello,
> I would like to collect some feelings on GIT here. We have discussed a
> bit to move on to Git for S3. If we would vote on it today, what would
> you vote?
> Personally I would vote +1.
> There is of course a risk that things become complicated first. But
> there is a lot of experience with in ASF now. Finally we can create
> branches more easily (i have a feature I would love to see in a branch
> right now) and integration with GitHub et al is more easy too.
> I have tried Git at log4php and even the incubating projec tRipple.
> Those are much smaller than Struts, but given Apache Cordova is using
> Git successfully too, I am not so much afraid.
> What would you vote, and why?
> Cheers
> Christian
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