I think the class name is very confusing. Can it just be StrutsParameters?
The "secure" thing I don't think is accurate.
On Oct 8, 2015 8:31 AM, "Christoph Nenning" <christoph.nenn...@lex-com.net>

> > From: Lukasz Lenart <lukaszlen...@apache.org>
> > To: Struts Developers List <dev@struts.apache.org>,
> > Date: 06.10.2015 08:28
> > Subject: Secure parameters
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > I have started on introducing typed parameters instead of a Map of
> > objects as we have right now [1]. Basically I am trying to introduce a
> > dedicated class which will represent HTTP parameters [2]. This isn't
> > finished yet as I need to figure out how to handle pushing objects
> > onto parameters (ie. FileuploadInterceptor is pushing files [3]) - the
> > problem is that HTTP params are arrays of strings but we have used it
> > internally to "transport" other objects.
> >
> > Any insights welcome :)
> >
> > [1] https://github.com/apache/struts/pull/53
> > [2] https://github.com/apache/struts/pull/53/files#diff-12
> > [3] https://github.com/apache/struts/pull/53/files#diff-18
> >
> >
> Basically I love the idea to have some more meta data about each
> parameter.
> I would expect new 'Parameter' interface would provide a method like
> 'isExternal()' or 'isUserProvided()' but maybe this is yet to come ;)
> > as I need to figure out how to handle pushing objects
> > onto parameters
> One way could be to add methods like these to 'Parameter':
> Object getValueNonString()
> Object[] getValuesNonString()
> boolean hasValueNonString()
> Most places dealing with parameters just need Strings. They can use
> methods 'getValue()' and 'getMultipleValue()' and don't need to cast.
> Those few places that need other types than Strings can use 'NonString'
> methods and have to cast on their own.
> Regards,
> Christoph
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