> Date: Sun, 25 Oct 2015 21:41:06 +0200
> Subject: Adding bower/grunt to angularjs archetype
> From: aleksandr...@gmail.com
> To: dev@struts.apache.org
> Hi,
> What do you think about adding bower and grunt to
> struts2-archetype-angularjs archetype to manage angular dependencies?
> Upgrade to latest version would become as simple as executing *grunt *(*npm
> install* must be executed for the first time).

Martin>we use maven to resolve specific versions of Freemarker .ftl, Velocity 
.vm, Dojo .js and jquery .js
Martin>what is bower or grunt speed delta and or resolution capabilities if I 
runMartin>bower or grunt on that same version specific tree of dependencies 
vsMartin>maven on the same version version specific tree of dependencies?
Martin>keeping in mind we need to create jars/wars/ears as well as 
.zip/.tgz/tar/gzip for resource deployablesMartin>How would bower/grunt handle 
these specific package types?Martin>we also target every commercially available 
OS..does bower or grunt support every version of OS JVM supports?Martin>Having 
answered above questions how to deploy apk to differing architectures e.g: 
Android: DalvikVM/DalvikARTMartin>thanks!> 
> Regards,
> Aleksandr

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