Hi Julian,

On 10/12/2009, at 00:11 , Julian Foad wrote:

> Gavin 'Beau' Baumanis wrote:
>> Hi Jon,
>> I have logged your patch into the issue tracker: #3545
>> http://subversion.tigris.org/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=3545
> Hi Gavin. It's great that you are keeping these patches under control. I
> have a couple of suggestions:
> 1. It's probably a good idea to point out in these emails that logging
> the patch into the issue tracker does not very much increase the chance
> of it being applied, it just makes it easier for us to keep track of its
> status, and it could sit there for ever. The original submitter should
> try to find out why it is not being applied and see if there is
> something he/she can do to help.

Yes, good idea.
It is not something I had thought of myself - thanks for the suggestion I will 
incorporate it into the follow-up email I send when it has gone to the tracker.

> 2. Please could you always add a link to the archived email thread when
> filing an issue. 

I "normally" do add in the URL for the original email or email thread when 
creating a Patch submission in the tracker.
I also noticed your follow-ups last night and subsequent email to the list abut 
having the url added to the footer of messages - which will help in future.


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