
My initial thought when I started writing on a spec for a TC resolver
was that it would involve a lot of quirks and edge cases handled solely
in subversion/svn/conflict-callbacks.c. That the svn resolver would only
serve as a proof-of-concept for other API users. But if I could
implement the ---accept options in libsvn_wc/conflicts.c we would have a
firm foundation for others to build upon.

I could implement each --accept option in libsvn_wc/conflicts.c and
write test cases for each. Is this a possible way to go? Many of the
--accept options would require much more than the existing ones for
property and text conflicts.

What to do?
Finish the resolver spec of course.
Make svn resolved able to handle states other than 'working'
|-> We need to store the tree conflict data on the same node instead of
  |  its parent.
  |-> Things would be cleaner if we stored the different versions of a
      node in the db instead of temp files.


On Wed, Feb 10, 2010 at 02:41:29PM +0100, Neels J Hofmeyr wrote:
> Hi TC folks,
> I tried to put the tree-conflicts design information so far into tables.
> Find the result attached: a tc-cheatsheet up for discussion. If it gets
> initial approval I'll check it into notes/tree-conflicts/ so we can edit.
>  After tree      | 'theirs'          | 'mine' is      | 'svn status' shows
>  conflict during | is found in       | found in       | TC and is otherwise
> -----------------+-------------------+----------------+---------------
>                  |                   |                |
>  update/switch   | checked-out state | check-in state | adapted to be a
>                  |                   | (unchanged)    | mod of the new
>                  |                   |                | checked-out state
>                  |                   |                |
>  merge           | conflict info     | check-in state | unchanged
>                  |                   | (unchanged)    |
>                  |                   |                |
>  Upon recording             |     ... changed during          |
>  a tree conflict, is        | update/switch? | merge?         |
> ----------------------------+----------------+----------------+
>  checked-out state          | Yes            | No             |
>  check-in state             | No             | No             |
>  'svn status' other than TC | Yes            | No             |
>  When resolving a     |     ...which was caused by a      |
>  tree-conflict with   | switch/update  |  merge           |
>                       |     , the check-in state is       |
> ----------------------+-----------------------------------+
>                       |                |                  |
>  --accept=theirs      | cleared        | reset to theirs  |
>                       |                |                  |
>  --accept=mine        | unchanged      | unchanged        |
>                       |                |                  |
>  'svn revert'         | cleared        | cleared          |
>                       |                |                  |
> <future depends-on="editor-v2" status="needs-review">
> Assuming that we have full info on copy/move (i.e. an add here is really
> just an add and *not* possibly part of a copy/move), then:
>  When resolving a      | 
>  tree-conflict of      | 
>  local vs. | incoming  | offer these --accept= resolution options
> ===========+===========+=====================================================
>            |           |                                                      
>  (all combinations of) | 
>  add       | add       | theirs, mine, move-theirs, move-mine                 
>  copy-here | copy-here | 
>  move-here | move-here | 
>            |           | 
> -----------+-----------+-----------------------------------------------------
>            |           | 
>  delete    | delete    | (is not a tree-conflict)
>            |           | 
> -----------+-----------+-----------------------------------------------------
>            |           | 
>       (line-wise)      | 
>  delete    | move-away | (is not a tree-conflict)
>  move-away | delete    | 
>            |           | 
> -----------+-----------+-----------------------------------------------------
>            |           | 
>       (line-wise)      | 
>  delete    | edit      | theirs, mine 
>  edit      | delete    | 
>            |           | 
> -----------+-----------+-----------------------------------------------------
>            |           | 
>  move-away | edit      | mine, both, merge-here, merge-there,
>            |           | merge-there-keep-here, merge-there-merge-here
>            |           | [1] [2]
>            |           |           grain of salt ---> . 
> -----------+-----------+-----------------------------------------------------
>            |           | 
>  edit      | move-away | theirs, both, merge-here, merge-there,
>            |           | merge-there-keep-here, merge-there-merge-here
>            |           | [1] [2]
>            |           |           grain of salt ---> . 
> -----------+-----------+-----------------------------------------------------
>            |           | 
>  move-away | move-away | theirs, mine, both, merge-at-theirs, merge-at-mine,
>            |           | merge-at-theirs-keep-mine, merge-at-mine-keep-theirs,
>            |           | merge-at-both
>            |           | (not a tree-conflict when move targets match)
>            |           | [1] [2]
>            |           |           grain of salt ---> . 
> -----------+-----------+-----------------------------------------------------
> Where the --accept= options mean:
>                   mine  Enforce my change, make sure theirs is lost/undone.
>                 theirs  Agree to theirs, make sure mine is lost.
>            move-theirs  Keep both additions, but move theirs to another path.
>              move-mine  Keep both additions, but move mine to another path.
>                   both  Keep both new move-targets (one becomes a simple "A 
> +").
>            merge-there  Apply the edit to the moved-away path.
>             merge-here  Discard the move-away, but still merge text/prop mods.
>  merge-there-keep-here  Apply text/prop mods to the moved-away path, but
>                         keep an unmerged copy at this path.
> merge-there-merge-here  Apply text/prop mods to the moved-away path, and
>                         keep another, also merged, copy at this path.
>        merge-at-theirs  Apply the edits on my moved-away path to their moved-
>                         away path, discard my move.
>          merge-at-mine  Apply the edits on their moved-away path to my moved-
>                         away path, discard their move.
> merge-at-theirs-keep-mine Apply the edits on my moved-away path to their 
> moved-
>                         away path, but keep my move-away with only *its* 
> edits.
> merge-at-mine-keep-theirs Apply the edits on their moved-away path to my 
> moved-
>                         away path, but keep their move-away with only *its*
>                         edits.
>          merge-at-both  Apply all edits to all moved-away paths and keep them.
> [1] I am not sure whether resolution should only care about *this* path.
>     Some of the resolution options suggest that we would undo the add-part
>     of a move-away, at the *other* path, or apply edits to the *other* path.
>     While it would be nicer if we could get away with only resolving *this*
>     path, users might get annoyed with having to do two steps to get what
>     they wanted (i.e. manually modify the other path to the desired result)
>     when the resolver had all the information there and could have just done
>     the job automatically.
> [2] The merge-* options indicate a mixture of text/prop mods with tree
>     conflicts. They say whether to keep the respective sides' text/prop mods
>     when resolving the tree-conflict. These options would entail that we
>     have to run an apply-textdelta-ish code that can introduce new text/prop
>     conflicts.
>     Should we really go there? What are the alternatives? We won't get away
>     without defining what happens to text/prop mods at two different paths
>     that are related via moves.
>     ### Analogy to copies?
> </future>

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