On Tue, 2010-03-30 at 10:29 -0700, Justin Erenkrantz wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 30, 2010 at 6:47 AM, Lieven Govaerts <svn...@mobsol.be> wrote:
> > No, that has never been the reason why the channel isn't logged.
> >
> > If I remember correctly, the reason why #svn-dev isn't logged, is
> > because that would promote the idea of having discussions and making
> > project-wide decisions on the channel, instead of on the dev mailing
> > list. With good reason, not everyone dev/stakeholder will or can join
> > IRC or is online at a time when such discussions are held.
> >
> > So, as long as this isn't going to lead to 'yeah, we discussed and
> > decided this some time ago, just look it up in the irc-dev log' style
> > of answers I'm okay with this.
> That is my fear as well - there should never be a referral to IRC logs
> on d...@svn.  IRC (or any other mechanism) is simply not a place to
> make any decisions or real discussions.  If that ever happens, then
> the logs need to be taken down and removed.  -- justin

I reserve the right to have a real discussion on IRC (or any other
mechanism).  :-P

The mailing list is the place for community consensus, and adding a log
of IRC to our toolbox doesn't change that.  We can handle any mis-use
pragmatically.  We already sometimes quote IRC conversations in the
issue tracker, in technical notes, etc.  Having an archive to refer to
doesn't change the ability to quote from IRC history, it just makes it
slightly easier to give a misleading impression of authority by
referring to an "on-line resource".  That's all.

FWIW the reasons why I would like a log don't require being able to look
back more than a few days, though I don't see any harm in a permanent

- Julian

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