Hi Daniel,

Daniel Shahaf writes:
> Ramkumar Ramachandra wrote on Sun, Aug 01, 2010 at 11:47:51 +0530:
> > However, Daniel asked me not to expect this and start working on a branch
> > instead after notifying the list-
> No, I didn't ask you to "notify" the list;  I asked you to start a design
> discussion on the list.  That's a different beast.
> You should not just tell us "Hey, I started a branch for feature X"; you
> should also discuss the plans --- the UI (both for users and admins) and the
> implementation --- and solicit feedback.

Sounds good in theory, but I don't know enough about the
infrastructure to sketch out any concrete design plans- the moment I
start studying it in this detail, I'll have a mock implementation
ready- when I'm there, I think I'll post the RFC patch to the list and
wait for feedback.


-- Ram

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