> On 11.08.2010 11:05, Bolstridge, Andrew wrote:
> > The second aspect: client-stored passwords, this isn't so much
> about storing them on the client but about having different ones.
> Enterprises want single-signon, ie, a single password, centrally
> held, that is used for all apps. They don't really care about
> storing it locally so much as caring when Mildred calls the
> helpdesk to say her password doesn’t work only to find she's
> changed her main login but her svn password is the old, different
> one. I don't think there's much to do here, except to get LDAP
> working. Fortunately, VisualSVN allows integrated authentication
> with Active Directory, and most enterprises still use Windows.
> >
> What has that got to do with anything? You stock plain-vanilla
> Subversion server can integrate with Active Directory just fine, if
> you're serving via Apache. You don't need VisualSVN for that. So a
> password update will change the SVN password, said user will
> receive a
> password prompt from the Subversion client *once*, and SVN will
> presumably store that password securely (at least, it will on
> Windows).
> -- Brane

I've never used LDAP but doesn't windows handle passing credentials tokens in 
the background... you should never be prompted for credentials is you are using 
LDAP other than when you sign into your windows/domain account.


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