
On Tue, Aug 31, 2010 at 10:07 PM, Johan Corveleyn <> wrote:
> Some additional info:
> - I couldn't reproduce the crash with a narrow range. Not even 90000:0 would
> crash it (right after startup).
> - BUT: if after 90000:0 I run log without -r arguments, I get an error on
> the client side:
> [[[
> ..\..\..\subversion\svn\log-cmd.c:746: (apr_err=160013)
> ..\..\..\subversion\libsvn_client\log.c:606: (apr_err=160013)
> ..\..\..\subversion\libsvn_repos\log.c:1474: (apr_err=160013)
> svn: File not found: revision 90799, path '?\239'
> ..\..\..\subversion\libsvn_repos\log.c:372: (apr_err=160013)
> svn: File not found: revision 90799, path '?\239'
> ..\..\..\subversion\libsvn_fs_fs\tree.c:3313: (apr_err=160013)
> svn: File not found: revision 90799, path '?\239'
> ..\..\..\subversion\libsvn_fs_fs\tree.c:3313: (apr_err=160013)
> svn: File not found: revision 90799, path '?\239'
> ..\..\..\subversion\libsvn_fs_fs\tree.c:3159: (apr_err=160013)
> svn: File not found: revision 90799, path '?\239'
> ..\..\..\subversion\libsvn_fs_fs\tree.c:668: (apr_err=160013)
> svn: File not found: revision 90799, path '?\239'
> ]]]
> - This also happens when the first run is 60000:0 or even 42000:0. If the
> first run is 41000:0, then the second run doesn't get the client-side error,
> but the server crashes on the expected spot (after rev 42100).
> - The above client-side error also happens if the second run is 96000:90000
> instead of a log without -r argument.
> - However, if I run "log -r96000:90000" right after startup, no problem.
> - Other than that, it crashes reproducibly after 42100 if I run log with no
> -r arguments right after startup.

I experimented some more. There must be something strange with that
revision 90799 that also causes the client-side error.

Some log runs immediately after startup:
- "svn log -r90798:0 svn://localhost/path/bigfile.xml": no crash
- "svn log -r90799:0 svn://localhost/path/bigfile.xml": crash (last
log entry: 42104 (one before 42100 of the "regular" crash))
- "svn log -r90921:0 svn://localhost/path/bigfile.xml": crash (last
log entry: 42130 (two before 42100 of the "regular" crash)). r90921 is
one before 90799.
- "svn log -r90998:0 svn://localhost/path/bigfile.xml": crash (last
log entry: 42149 (three before 42100 of the "regular" crash)). r90998
is two before 90799.
- "svn log svn://localhost/path/bigfile.xml": still crashes
consistently with last log entry 42100.

Still r90799 itself seems a very normal commit, with only text
modifications to bigfile.xml.

One more note: the repository was once created by converting our CVS
repository with cvs2svn (it's an old conversion that we did as an
experiment, after which we did the real conversion; but I still use
the old converted repo to test things). I just now notice that we did
that old conversion with the "cvs-revnum" option, i.e. updating the
cvs2svn:cvs-rev property on every commit, to make it contain the cvs
revision number of the file. So every commit also contains prop
changes. Probably not relevant, but you never know :-).


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