
I've been relatively busy over the past few weeks- I have my exams
now, and I'll be back to hacking on svnrdump after the 18th.

Stefan Sperling writes:
> On Fri, Aug 20, 2010 at 11:55:10AM -0700, Bert Huijben wrote:
> > > From: Stefan Sperling
> > > - svnrdump
> > >   It's marked as complete, but I don't really know yet if we can consider
> > it
> > >   complete yet. I plan to review it thoroughly again in its current state
> > >   before deciding whether or not I'd like to see it in 1.7. In particular,
> > >   the current test coverage seems quite poor, and I'm afraid of that
> > hiding
> > >   potential problems.
> > >   However, if anyone already has reviewed its current state and has found
> > >   it to be of releasable quality, please let us know. But if noone has the
> > >   cycles available to review it thoroughly, and in particular to improve
> > >   test coverage, I'd say we should postpone it to 1.8.
> > 
> > I think the dump part is stable.
> That's good to hear!

Right. I think it's already in a state to ship with the 1.7
release. I'll add some more tests soon.

> >  The load part needs more testing, but if it could load the ASF repository
> > I'm happy to ship it as is and fix possible bugs later. (But I don't expect
> > that this will complete now)
> I'm hesitant to ship features we haven't tested.
> While the impact of potential problems would be low in this case,
> having users run into problems with new features always leaves a bad
> impression about Subversion's quality. I'd like people to have a warm
> and fuzzy feeling about storing their data in Subversion, knowing that
> they can rely on Subversion and trust it with their data.
> Any bugs they see, even in non-critical features, damages that trust.

I'll see if I can fix this in time for 1.7. If we can't manage this,
we can always stub out the load functionality in svnrdump.c, and ship
it, and later get it fixed for 1.8.

-- Ram

p.s- I'm sorry I missed this email earlier. Please CC me in future if

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