Bob Fletcher <> writes:

> OK. I was able to create the error using the command line. The
> following are the steps I took. I sure hope this is helpful. (In the
> steps below, I changed the name of my company in the URL to xxx.)

Thanks for doing this.  I tried your recipe on my Linux machine and it
doesn't crash, however:

> 'C:\Users\kueng\nightlybuilds\latest\TortoiseSVN\ext\subversion\subversion\libsv
> n_wc\update_editor.c' line 4603: assertion failed (status == 
> svn_wc__db_status_added)

There is no assert on line 4603 in the current code, it's not possible
for the current code to produce that error.  There was an assert on
that line back in r993028 but that dates from more than a month ago.
If you try a more up-to-date build then the problem may well have been


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