On Fri, Oct 29, 2010 at 01:52:42PM -0400, Bob Archer wrote:
> > So the proposed help text below centers around the most common use
> > cases.
> Wow... this looks great. It will be nice to have this at the command line. 

Glad to hear that. Would you be willing to help out with this task?
No strong commitment required -- just if you feel like making improvements
to the various texts and send patches, that would be valuable help.

Based on cmpilato's suggestion, I'd like each subcommand to have a
short help text and a long one. The short text would be a subset of
the long text, so the code can decide to show the extra text if --verbose
was passed.

Then I'd like svn help to print:

  For a short introductory tutorial to Subversion, run 'svn help -v'.

The verbose help text for svn help would briefly explain the basics of
Subversion's repository design (versioned tree, revision numbers,
basic operations possible on the versioned tree), and the basic
checkout/update/edit/commit work cycle with a working copy.

It would then refer to the next subcommand -v help text:
  To continue the tutorial, run 'svn help -v checkout'

So the verbose help texts would be linked in some sensible order,
but would also stand on their own, much like chapters in a book.

> I read through it all... only found one small nit:
> >      If several commits to trunk were related to the fix, multiple
> > revisions
> >      to can be merged:
> > 
> >          svn merge -c50,54,60 ^/trunk
> Should that perhaps read:
> If several commits to trunk were related to the fix, multiple revisions too 
> can be merged:
> too meaning also? Perhaps it would read better as:
> If several commits to trunk were related to the fix, multiple revisions can 
> be merged:
> or even:
> If several commits to trunk were related to the fix, multiple revisions can 
> be supplied:
> ????

Yes, thanks, that was a typo.

I meant to say "multiple revisions can be merged". But I like your second
variant, too.


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