> -----Original Message-----
> From: hy...@hyrumwright.org [mailto:hy...@hyrumwright.org] On Behalf
Of Hyrum K. Wright
> Sent: 07 November 2010 02:34
> To: Subversion Development
> Subject: How to get the message out (or: why there were only 6 people
at the ApacheCon meetup)


> My question: do we need to do this?  Is there a niche that isn't being
filled by the various corporate sponsors, which we
> (as a Subversion development community) are better served to do?  Do
people already know "enough" about 
> Subversion, such that we don't need to evangelize anymore?

I'm sure evangelical missions are still important - mainly to counter
the "SVN is crap at merging, Mercurial/Git/a.n.otherDVCS is the ultimate
SCM that fixes all your problems" type arguments that seems to be
increasingly popular. Even our Serena dimensions admin (terrible
'enterprisey' ALM SCM) knows about git but doesn't know what SVN'd give

So, I'd say there are still loads of poor souls needing the word
bringing to them, and the FUD dispelling.

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