Can someone check this doc clarification for me?

The condition that @a local_abspath must be a versioned directory if @a
lock_anchor is false was hidden away in a sub-condition.  This promotes
it to an unconditional condition.  :-)

Index: subversion/include/private/svn_wc_private.h
--- subversion/include/private/svn_wc_private.h (revision 1033064)
+++ subversion/include/private/svn_wc_private.h (working copy)
@@ -614,18 +614,18 @@
- * Acquire a recursive write lock for @a local_abspath or if @a lock_anchor
+ * Acquire a recursive write lock for @a local_abspath.  If @a lock_anchor
  * is true, determine if @a local_abspath has an anchor that should be locked
- * instead. Store the obtained lock in @a wc_ctx.
+ * instead; otherwise, @a local_abspath must be a versioned directory.
+ * Store the obtained lock in @a wc_ctx.
  * If @a lock_root_abspath is not NULL, store the root of the lock in
  * @a *lock_root_abspath. If @a lock_root_abspath is NULL, then @a
- * local_abspath must be a versioned directory and @a lock_anchor must be
- * FALSE.
+ * @a lock_anchor must be FALSE.
  * Returns @c SVN_ERR_WC_LOCKED if an existing lock is encountered, in
  * which case any locks acquired will have been released.
  * If @a lock_anchor is TRUE and @a lock_root_abspath is not NULL, @a
  * lock_root_abspath will be set even when SVN_ERR_WC_LOCKED is returned.
 svn_error_t *
 svn_wc__acquire_write_lock(const char **lock_root_abspath,

- Julian

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