1.6.14 tarballs are up for testing and signing.  The magic revision is r1036150:

In addition to sending your signatures to the mailing list, please use
the new signature collection script, located here:

The script will automatically check the signature for validity, and
then add it to the list of signatures.  If you haven't signed a
release in a while, your key may not be on the keyring; if so, please
let me know and I shall add it.  If you get an error, please let me
know.  Please do not abuse the script, as it is pretty fragile right
now (the source, however, it located in the repo at tools/dist/, and
any updates made there will propagate to the live site fairly

Hopefully the collection script works well, and barring any terrible
failures, I plan on taking the signatures collected by it for the
release.  But I'd still like sigs sent to the list this time, you
know, just in case.  Thanks for the patience!

Testing by enthusiastic users is also welcomed (but remember that this
is not yet a blessed release, with all that that implies).  If you are
a package maintainer, please do not included this release in your
distribution until after it has been formally released.

I'd like to collect all the signatures in time to do a release by November 19.


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