This question has already been posted on the "users" list, but I did
not receive any answer there.

I have some questions regarding the status of the merge tracking
functionality in subversion 1.6.  Based on my understanding, it seems
like svn has good “automatic” support for merging between branches in
one direction, whereas cyclic/bidirectional merging requires a more
complex “reintegrate” + “record only” merge procedure. I am wondering
if this support also extends to scenarios with repeated merging
between several parallel release branches.

Does svn handle arbitrary "directed acyclic" merging between several
parallel branches, when merging is always conducted in the same
direction (e.g. from old to newer release branch)?

Does the “reintegrate” + “record only” merge procedure extend
gracefully to scenarios with arbitrary cyclic/bidirectional merging
between several parallel branches?

Thanks in advance,
Fredrik Orderud

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