On 01/27/2011 02:18 PM, Daniel Shahaf wrote:
> C. Michael Pilato wrote on Thu, Jan 27, 2011 at 14:14:11 -0500:
>> On 01/27/2011 01:46 PM, Daniel Shahaf wrote:
>>> Personally I'm +0.5, since IMO we should be treating pathnames 
>>> case-insensitively.
>> (Did you mean "case-sensitively"?)
> Yes.
>> If we have have the option of moving towards case-sensitivity -- that is, a
>> *more*-precise authz policy -- that seems like a good thing.  I'd even be in
>> favor of making this behavior optional (like the force_username_case option
>> we already have).
> Could you clarify?  What modes are you suggesting to support, and which
> would be the default one?

Well, I was thinking about "authz-section-case-sensitive = true|false" in
svnserve.conf, and "SVNAuthzSectionCaseSensitive on|off" for the DAV
modules.  Enabling this gives us case sensitivity in our treatment of those
authz section names (which include repository names and paths); disabling
makes it case-insensitive.

But I confess that I'm only considering this as a way to avoid breaking
existing authz files that are exploiting the case-insensitivity we have
today.  If we all agree that case-*sensitivity* (or case-insensitivity) is
The Way To Go, and that the realistic user effect of consistification here
is negligible, then toss the "make it optional" suggestion altogether.

> Also: where is force_username_case documented?  The default
> svnserve.conf doesn't mention it.

Really?  I see it in my default svnserve.conf under the [general] section.
Though, it's "force-username-case" (hyphens, not underscores; sorry).

C. Michael Pilato <cmpil...@collab.net>
CollabNet   <>   www.collab.net   <>   Distributed Development On Demand

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