On Mon, Feb 07, 2011 at 04:52:30PM +0100, Stefan Sperling wrote:
> I like this patch a lot and think we should commit it after fixing
> the test failure.

The test is failing because your code lists both the BASE properties
and the ACTUAL properties for a node which had its props changed:

sqlite> select local_relpath, properties, op_depth from nodes where 
local_relpath = "iota";
iota|(p old-keep)|0
sqlite> select local_relpath, properties from actual_node where local_relpath = 
iota|(p new-keep)

The test expects only new-keep to be listed, but both are listed.
"old-keep" should not appear in the output:

CMD: svn proplist -R -v svn-test-work/working_copies/prop_tests-15 --config-dir 
 --password rayjandom --no-auth-cache --username jrandom
<TIME = 0.252734>
Properties on 'svn-test-work/working_copies/prop_tests-15/A/added':
Properties on 'svn-test-work/working_copies/prop_tests-15/iota':
Properties on 'svn-test-work/working_copies/prop_tests-15/iota':
Error: expected keywords:  ['new-add', 'new-keep', 'p', 'p', 'Properties on ', '
Properties on ']
       actual full output: ['    new-add\n', '    new-keep\n', '    old-keep\n',
 '  p\n', '  p\n', '  p\n', "Properties on 'svn-test-work/working_copies/prop_te
sts-15/A/added':\n", "Properties on 'svn-test-work/working_copies/prop_tests-15/
iota':\n", "Properties on 'svn-test-work/working_copies/prop_tests-15/iota':\n"]
Traceback (most recent call last):

The bug is probabaly in the following query.
Maybe the INSERT OR REPLACE doesn't work as intended?
And why is COMMIT TRANSACTION commented, BTW? Is this the problem?

INSERT OR REPLACE INTO temp_query_cache.node_props_cache
  (local_relpath, properties)
  SELECT N.local_relpath, N.properties
    FROM actual_node AS N JOIN temp_query_cache.node_props_cache AS C
      ON N.local_relpath = C.local_relpath
        AND  N.wc_id = C.wc_id;

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