On Fri, Feb 4, 2011 at 4:36 PM, Noorul Islam K M <noo...@collab.net> wrote:
> "noorul Islam. Kamal Malmiyoda" <noo...@collab.net> writes:
>> On Feb 3, 2011, at 5:39 AM, "Hyrum K Wright" <hy...@hyrumwright.org> wrote:
>>> On Wed, Feb 2, 2011 at 6:29 AM, Noorul Islam K M <noo...@collab.net> wrote:
>>>> Is ignored_prop_mods list functionality completely implemented?
>>> Not yet.  I've got all the boiler-plate done, but have not yet added
>>> the extra filtering in libsvn_repos.  Because 'log' is a small part of
>>> the overall feature set, and I'm hesitant to release bits of it
>>> without the rest, I don't anticipate having this done for 1.7, and am
>>> not in to terrible a rush to get it done (now).
>>>> I assume that we can set any property to a target not necessarily what
>>>> is pre-defined by svn. For example.
>>>> $ svn ps foo bar file.txt
>>>> I think this is a valid command. In this case how will ignore_prop_mods
>>>> list be useful? Are you planning to handle this scenario? Am I
>>>> overlooking?
>>> I'm trying to implement the functionality in as flexible a way as
>>> possible.  Some might argue that this is over-engineering, but I think
>>> that by allowing an arbitrary list of ignored props for operations
>>> like 'log' and 'diff', that gives flexibility to other tools which
>>> create and consume their own properties.
>>> For example, if TortoiseSVN, or some other third-party tool creates
>>> its own properties for tracking information, it could just as easily
>>> filter these properties out when calling the log APIs, thus making
>>> them practically transparent to the end user.  (We can debate whether
>>> such transparency is desirable, but I think well-behaving
>>> implementations will use this functionality to get out of the way,
>>> without making things too magical.)
>>> Since your example doesn't use 'log', and 'log' is the only command
>>> effected at this point, I'm not entirely sure what your question is.
>> With the above command a user can set any property for a target. Now say I 
>> want to make use of ignored_props_mod to filter out this arbitrary property, 
>> will that be possible?
> From IRC
> noorul  hwright: hello
> noorul  hwright: I think for 3690, ignored_props_mod might not be useful
>        because it takes a predefined set of properties noorul hwright: See my
>        reply
> hwright noorul: ignored_props_mod takes a list of properties, yes (as
>        opposed to a blanket "ignore all prop mods")
> hwright what you are saying
>        is that in order to accomplish the later
>        with the former, you'd have to know a priori which props are in
>        the repo, right?
> Yes, you are right. This is what I was trying to convey.

Thanks for helping me understand.  These two seem like a couple of
separate, but related, use cases.  I wonder if there is a way to
convey "all properties" through the ignored-props list (perhaps a
special "svn:*" prop?).

For both case, though, I'd like some input from the peanut gallery,
commenting on the utility of adding code vs. maintenance, etc.


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