On Tue, Feb 8, 2011 at 7:59 PM, Stefan Sperling <s...@elego.de> wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 08, 2011 at 07:40:03PM +0000, Hyrum K Wright wrote:
>> One of my greater concerns is that we don't have a concrete answer to
>> "we'll release when ____" for the performance question.  What is good
>> enough?  Which operations?  How much better than 1.6.x?  Having a
>> concrete answer, and not just "when it feels good" will give us some
>> objective criteria, and prevent the "one more bugfix" delays we've had
>> in the past.  We're fooling ourselves if we think we're going to nail
>> all the performance issues before the 1.7.0 release.
> I would say the minimum is as good as 1.6. And if we're doing this
> smartly it's likely that trying to get trunk up to par with 1.6 will
> boost performance beyond 1.6.x capabilities anyway.
>> The silver lining here is that most performance problems are *not*
>> going to have compat implications, so they can easily be backported in
>> future patch releases.
> Sure, we can always try to make it faster.
> What we need to avoid, though, is making the 1.7 release a disappointment
> from a performance point of view. If 1.7 is any slower than the, by current
> standards, glacial 1.6, it would just be a waste of a release.
> It's likely that quite a few of our users would jump ship even if we
> promised to follow up with performance improvements in 1.8.
> git and hg have less development baggage to carry so they can release
> improvements much quicker. And they're already much faster than Subversion 1.6
> is in general, even in cases where svn only does local i/o.
> Talking to the server over the network will always be slower than talking
> to a repository on local disk, but there's no good excuse to be much slower
> than alternative systems in other cases...

Completely agree.  My only point is that whether we say "as fast as
1.6" or "10% better than 1.6" or anything else, we need some metric to
measure it, or we're left to handwaving and bikesheds and discussions
like this one. :)  We'll never know when we're finished.  (And
gathering such numbers is something which can be automated.)

Going back to my cave now...


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