On Thu, 2011-02-10 at 12:10 -0500, Paul Burba wrote:
> Hi Neels (or any other tree conflict gurus),
> I know you don't have much time for Subversion these days, but if you
> find some time in the near future could you take a look at the tests
> you added in r879162 and combined in r879206 (this test currently
> resides at merge_tree_conflict_tests.py 23 'replace vs. delete
> tree-conflicts').
> I made a few tweaks to the test in r1069145 and r1069158 and it now
> reaches the end of the test and fails.
> Currently the test does the following:
> 1) Merge a directory replacement onto a locally deleted directory
> 2) Merge a directory-replaced-with-a-file onto a locally deleted directory
> 3) Repeat the merge of a file-replaced-with-a-directory onto a locally
> deleted directory done in #2, but this time target a subtree of #2's
> target.

This doesn't repeat anything of #2, it's completely separate.

  #2 directory-replaced-with-a-file onto A/D/H (target A/D depth immed)
  #3 file-replaced-with-a-directory onto A/D/G/pi (target A/D/G)

I would expect to see a fourth case tested too:

  #4 file-replaced-with-a-file onto mu

(The test starts by calling merge_replace_setup() which sets up for all
of these four cases.)

>   The only effect this has is the change the resulting TC type
> from 'local delete, incoming delete upon merge' to 'local delete,
> incoming replace upon merge'.

The ideal expectation would be for all three or four cases to report
'local delete, incoming replace upon merge'.

I don't know how close we are in implementation to being able to report
these as incoming replacements; it might not be easy.

> I'm a bit foggy on what we should expect here and the test doesn't
> have an associated issue (I was looking at this in hopes of adding
> one).
> Here's what we are currently seeing on trunk:
> Case #1:
>   >svn st -v A\B\E
>   RM +  C          -        4  ?           A\B\E
>         >   local delete, incoming delete upon merge

That's quite good except it should say "incoming replace".

> Case #2:
>   >svn st -v A\D\H
>   D     C          3        1 jrandom      A\D\H
>         >   local delete, incoming replace upon merge

That's quite good except it should say "R" not "D".

> Case #3:
>   >svn st -v A\D\G
>    M               3        1 jrandom      A\D\G
>   RM +  C          -        4  ?           A\D\G\pi
>         >   local delete, incoming delete upon merge

That's quite good except it should say "incoming replace".

Wierd that in all these cases the "D"/"R" is opposite to the message.

(Also, I think status should never report "M" in the properties column
of a "R"eplaced node.  But that's a separate issue, probably unrelated
to conflicts.)

- Julian

> I was half expecting that the incoming delete of the replacement be
> handled first and all of these be of the 'local delete, incoming
> delete upon merge' variety and have a local status of 'D ', but that
> is neither what the test expects or (obviously) what the results are.
> Any insight you have into this is appreciated.  If you don't have time
> to look at this, are there any threads where this was discussed or
> particular docs I should be looking at?  The only relevant thing I
> could find was the 'Renames and Replacements' section of
> https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/subversion/trunk/notes/tree-conflicts/resolution.txt,
> but that is somewhat inconclusive.
> Thanks,
> Paul

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