On Mon, Mar 07, 2011 at 01:09:17PM +0100, Avalon wrote:
> >i am using the svn log command with a "forward" revision range, e.g. "-r 
> >N:HEAD".
> >This fails if the requested path has been deleted in HEAD revision.
> >
> >When used with "backward" ranges, which are commonly used, e.g. "-r N:1", 
> >the result is ok - even if the requested path is not present in revision 1.
> >
> >I do understand the implications of going "forward" through the history.
> >But would it be possible to modify the svn log command to be improved for 
> >these cases?
> >If such an implementation would require more computations it could be used 
> >as a fallback only if the resource does not more exist in HEAD (resp. in the 
> >end-revision).
> >
> >> What kind of enhancement do you have in mind? Specifically, which
> >> feature is missing that Subversion doesn't already have?
> The following command will fail, if the given resource has been deleted in a 
> revision higher than N:
>   svn log -r N:HEAD file:///repository-and-path-to-resource
> It would be very useful if this would work the same as when used with 
> backward ranges (e.g. N:1).
> An example use case would be that a user wants to browse to a more recent 
> revision of a resource.
> Without this enhancement the user must repeat the command over and over with 
> "-r N:N+1", "-r N:N+2" until the command fails.

This is a known problem:

It has nothing to do with the direction of history traversal though.
It also happens during backwards traversal.

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