On Tue, Mar 22, 2011 at 1:08 AM, Hyrum K Wright <hy...@hyrumwright.org> wrote:
> On Sun, Mar 20, 2011 at 3:32 PM, Johan Corveleyn <jcor...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm looking at issue #3702 ("svn ren TODO todo" not work on windows).
>> Although this is marked as "1.7-consider", I'd really like this to be
>> fixed before release, since this is pretty important for me and my
>> user base. So I'd like to take a stab, but being relatively
>> inexperienced, I'd like some help ... OTOH, if someone more
>> experienced can fix this easily, that would be fine too :-).
> All 1.7-consider means is "sure, we'd like to have it in there, but we
> aren't going to hold the release for it".  It *does not* mean "there
> is no way this is getting into the release."  These characterizations
> are of course subjective and fluid, and if it gets fixed before 1.7
> branches, ain't nobody gonna stand in the way of releasing it.

Sure, no problem. It's just that I personally think this is a release
blocker. I wouldn't want to confront my own (windows) users when they
find out this still doesn't work ... "What? They did a complete
rewrite of the working copy system, and we still can't do a case-only
rename? Sjeesh." :-).

Though I certainly realize there are a lot of "even more blocking"
issues than this one right now (and bigger and more difficult too),
and we do want to get 1.7 out the door asap. So I can understand
current focus is on those other important ones ...

Anyway, whatever the "milestone" designation of this issue, I'm
looking at it either way. Not that I can give any guarantee that I'll
get it fixed before release, ... my free time is kind of scarce these
days. But I'm trying :-) ...


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