On Thu, May 12, 2011 at 5:57 PM, Justin Erenkrantz
<jus...@erenkrantz.com> wrote:
> Are you by chance using SSL?
> I'm seeing something like a 2x perf drop on ra_serf with SSL to an SSL
> server on the other side of the US from where I am now.  But, over
> HTTP, ra_serf is pretty close to ra_neon.  (And, the server is 1.6 -
> not 1.7.)

I've committed a bunch of fixes and improvements to serf for SSL.
This should bring ra_serf in line with ra_neon for SSL.

As a data point, 'svn ls -v' on a directory - old serf exchanged 90
TCP packets for 31.5KB; new serf does 41 TCP packets for 11.5KB;
ra_neon does 99 TCP packets for 19.5KB.  Wall clock time looks to be
about the same between ra_neon & ra_serf (I'm at high latency).

Basic tests:
| 1.7.0-dev (serf) | rNNNNNNNN | 1:07.272 | 0:35.990 | 0:04.994 |
0:00.043 | 0:00.060 | 0:07.897 | 0:00.041
| 1.7.0-dev (neon) | rNNNNNNNN | 1:17.145 | 0:23.997 | 0:06.000 |
0:00.045 | 0:00.059 | 0:09.893 | 0:00.039

HTH.  -- justin

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