The new client status reporting with 'svn_client_status_t' could do with
some more eyes on it.  This was introduced in r955542, with the log

  "Introduce a new svn_client_status_t structure to separate the public
client status api from the implementation of status in libsvn_wc, to
allow further cleanup in libsvn_wc. Note that this libsvn_client
function still uses relative paths in its api to avoid breaking third
party code even more than necessary for removing entries."

My quick comments and questions, just from looking at it:

  * Doc string talks about a nonexistent 'entry' field.

  * All of the '*_status' fields are of type svn_wc_status_kind. Should
we define an svn_client type for them?

  * 'node_status', 'text_status', 'prop_status': The comment implies
that text and prop status are only given if there is no restructuring
change. What values of 'node_status' does this mean, and what are the
text and prop status values then?

  * 'repos_node_status', 'repos_text_status', 'repos_prop_status' fields
don't specify the valid values or what they mean. svn_wc_status_kind is
documented in terms of scheduled change of WC state, but are these
fields intended to tell a fixed state or some kind of change/difference
such as working vs. repos, repos vs. working, repos vs. base, base vs.
repos, or something else?

  * 'lock' and 'locked' need better names and descriptions, to help
distinguish them from one another. Maybe 'repos_lock' and 'wc_locked'?
But watch out: there is already a 'repos_lock' field in the 'WC OOD
info' section.

  * 'lock' doc string wording is incomplete: '... comment and are
available'. Are more fields of the lock struct guaranteed to be

  * Move 'repos_root_url' and 'repos_relpath' next to 'revision' field
because they're all logically related together.

  * Consider adding a repos UUID field because it's a logical complement
to 'repos_root_url'.

  * 'backwards_compatibility_baton' wording problem: 'may be NULL or to
other data'.

And for the callback type 'svn_client_status_func_t':

  * Doc string talks about 'local_abspath' but the parameter is called
'path'; which is it?

  * Doc string says "### we might be revamping the status
infrastructure, and this callback could totally disappear by the end of
1.7 development. however, we need to mark the STATUS parameter as
"const" so that it is easier to reason about who/what can modify those
structures."  Do we have any outstanding ideas about this - whether we
want to change this or leave it as it is?

For quick reference, here are the declarations:

> /**
>  * Structure for holding the "status" of a working copy item.
>  *
>  * The item's entry data is in @a entry, augmented and possibly shadowed
>  * by the other fields.  @a entry is @c NULL if this item is not under
>  * version control.
>  *
>  * @note Fields may be added to the end of this structure in future
>  * versions.  Therefore, to preserve binary compatibility, users
>  * should not directly allocate structures of this type.
>  *
>  * @since New in 1.7.
>  */
> typedef struct svn_client_status_t
> {
>   /** The kind of node as recorded in the working copy */
>   svn_node_kind_t kind;
>   /** The absolute path to the node */
>   const char *local_abspath;
>   /** If the path is under version control, versioned is TRUE, otherwise
>    * FALSE. */
>   svn_boolean_t versioned;
>   /** Set to TRUE if the node is the victim of some kind of conflict. */
>   svn_boolean_t conflicted;
>   /** The status of the node, based on the restructuring changes and if the
>    * node has no restructuring changes the text and prop status. */
>   enum svn_wc_status_kind node_status;
>   /** The status of the text of the node, not including restructuring changes.
>    * Valid values are: svn_wc_status_none, svn_wc_status_normal,
>    * svn_wc_status_modified and svn_wc_status_conflicted. */
>   enum svn_wc_status_kind text_status;
>   /** The status of the entry's properties.
>    * Valid values are: svn_wc_status_none, svn_wc_status_normal,
>    * svn_wc_status_modified and svn_wc_status_conflicted. */
>   enum svn_wc_status_kind prop_status;
>   /** a node can be 'locked' if a working copy update is in progress or
>    * was interrupted. */
>   svn_boolean_t locked;
>   /** a file or directory can be 'copied' if it's scheduled for
>    * addition-with-history (or part of a subtree that is scheduled as such.).
>    */
>   svn_boolean_t copied;
>   /** Base revision. */
>   svn_revnum_t revision;
>   /** Last revision this was changed */
>   svn_revnum_t changed_rev;
>   /** Date of last commit. */
>   apr_time_t changed_date;
>   /** Last commit author of this item */
>   const char *changed_author;
>   /** The URL of the repository */
>   const char *repos_root_url;
>   /** The in-repository path relative to the repository root.
>    * Use svn_path_url_component2() to join this value to the
>    * repos_root_url to get the full URL.
>    */
>   const char *repos_relpath;
>     /** a file or directory can be 'switched' if the switch command has been
>    * used.  If this is TRUE, then file_external will be FALSE.
>    */
>   svn_boolean_t switched;
>   /** If the item is a file that was added to the working copy with an
>    * svn:externals; if file_external is TRUE, then switched is always
>    * FALSE.
>    */
>   svn_boolean_t file_external;
>   /** The locally present lock. (Values of path, token, owner, comment and
>    * are available if a lock is present) */
>   const svn_lock_t *lock;
>   /** Which changelist this item is part of, or NULL if not part of any. */
>   const char *changelist;
>   /** The depth of the node as recorded in the working copy
>    * (#svn_depth_unknown for files or when no depth is recorded) */
>   svn_depth_t depth;
>   /**
>    * @defgroup svn_wc_status_ood WC out-of-date info from the repository
>    * @{
>    *
>    * When the working copy item is out-of-date compared to the
>    * repository, the following fields represent the state of the
>    * youngest revision of the item in the repository.  If the working
>    * copy is not out of date, the fields are initialized as described
>    * below.
>    */
>   /** Set to the node kind of the youngest commit, or #svn_node_none
>    * if not out of date. */
>   svn_node_kind_t ood_kind;
>   /** The status of the node, based on the text status if the node has no
>    * restructuring changes */
>   enum svn_wc_status_kind repos_node_status;
>   /** The entry's text status in the repository. */
>   enum svn_wc_status_kind repos_text_status;
>   /** The entry's property status in the repository. */
>   enum svn_wc_status_kind repos_prop_status;
>   /** The entry's lock in the repository, if any. */
>   const svn_lock_t *repos_lock;
>   /** Set to the youngest committed revision, or #SVN_INVALID_REVNUM
>    * if not out of date. */
>   svn_revnum_t ood_changed_rev;
>   /** Set to the most recent commit date, or @c 0 if not out of date. */
>   apr_time_t ood_changed_date;
>   /** Set to the user name of the youngest commit, or @c NULL if not
>    * out of date or non-existent.  Because a non-existent @c
>    * svn:author property has the same behavior as an out-of-date
>    * working copy, examine @c ood_changed_rev to determine whether
>    * the working copy is out of date. */
>   const char *ood_changed_author;
>   /** @} */
>   /** Reserved for libsvn_client's internal use; this value is only to be 
> used for
>    * libsvn_client backwards compatibility wrappers. This value may be NULL or
>    * to other data in future versions. */
>   const void *backwards_compatibility_baton;
>   /* NOTE! Please update svn_client_status_dup() when adding new fields here. 
> */
> } svn_client_status_t;

> /**
>  * A callback for reporting a @a status about @a local_abspath.
>  *
>  * @a baton is a closure object; it should be provided by the
>  * implementation, and passed by the caller.
>  *
>  * @a scratch_pool will be cleared between invocations to the callback.
>  *
>  * ### we might be revamping the status infrastructure, and this callback
>  * ### could totally disappear by the end of 1.7 development. however, we
>  * ### need to mark the STATUS parameter as "const" so that it is easier
>  * ### to reason about who/what can modify those structures.
>  *
>  * @since New in 1.7.
>  */
> typedef svn_error_t *(*svn_client_status_func_t)(
>                                             void *baton,
>                                             const char *path,
>                                             const svn_client_status_t *status,
>                                             apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);

- Julian

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