Peter Samuelson wrote on Mon, Jun 06, 2011 at 16:25:01 -0500:
> [Daniel Klíma]
> > I tested it and same result. However I found something relevant in MSDN 
> > library:
> > (Console and Port I/O)
> Thanks!  I still believe we should do our prompting on the console,
> instead of stdin/stderr - especially stdin should be free for use by
> 'svnadmin load', 'svn patch' and the like.  Does anyone here still
> think we should support the case of trying to 'drive' the interactive
> prompts in command-line programs, programmatically?  AFAIK, we've never
> officially supported that sort of thing (especially password prompts),
> and I don't see a need.

I don't know whether we 'supported' it or not, but the ASF Infrastructure
team uses internally a tool that programmatically answers svn(1)
password prompts.

(but for that use case, I believe we will be okay regardless of whether
the password prompt reads from stdin or from the controlling terminal)

> I'll come up with a patch using the Win32 functions from that article,
> when I find the time, which probably won't be today.

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