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On 14 Jun 2011, at 21:05, C. Michael Pilato wrote:

> On 06/14/2011 03:41 PM, sebb wrote:
>> Looks like the Change button just selects a random entry from the
>> list, rather than applying the selected entry.
> Yes, that's the apparent action.  In reality, the default action is "select
> a random mirror", so I suspect that this isn't so much the direct result of
> the Change button being used as it is just a side-effect of the Preferred
> server selection not "taking".
> See, the Change button is just a submit button.  The
> "?Preferred=SELECTED_ITEM" bit added to the form submission URL is the
> natural behavior for the select box named "Preferred" and whose values come
> directly from the options therein.  The mirrors.cgi is supposed to notice
> that bit in the URL query string, validate the preferred URL against the
> configured set of mirrors, and then -- if all is well in that validation
> step -- substitute that preferred URL unto the EZT template (download.html
> in our tree).  That's clearly not happening.
> I wonder if this script was originally written for CGI and then something
> got fouled up during some retrofitting for WSGI?  Maybe some misinteraction
> with the script environment?

This is possible, the download.cgi scripts did get a fair bit of attention a 
while back, and I cant recall what happened exactly, so I will have to trawl 
through my mail archives for that, if you have any ideas let me know.  If not, 
I'll add it to my todo. 

> -- 
> C. Michael Pilato <cmpil...@collab.net>
> CollabNet   <>   www.collab.net   <>   Distributed Development On Demand


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Tony Stevenson

t...@pc-tony.com // pct...@apache.org


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