Mathias Weinert wrote on Wed, Jul 20, 2011 at 14:59:23 +0200:
> Hi,
> each time when I am loading a certain dump file on Windows which
> contains one revision with over 100K changed paths I get the error
> "Can't open file
> 'c:\Repositories\test\db\transactions\5445-479.txn\next-ids': The
> requested operation cannot be performed on a file with a user-mapped
> section open.". After looking at the mailing list archives and other
> mailing lists I found out that I am not the only one to encounter
> this problem and that in most cases a virus scanner was the cause of
> the problem. And indeed, adding next-ids to the exclusion list
> solved the problem.
> But now I wonder if svnadmin couldn't handle this case a bit more
> elegantly. IMHO it would make sense not to quit the load immediately
> but to try it again maybe after waiting half a second or so if this
> specific error occurs (some other users reported that they got the
> error "The process cannot access the file because it is being used
> by another process."). If we can't access next-ids after trying it
> let's say 5 times with a little pause after each try we still can
> quit the load process.
> What do you think about this idea?

It would be good to solve this now as that is one of the concerns with
the (partially implemented) design for revprop packing, due for release
in 1.8.

> Cheers,
> Mathias

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