The one thing I can think of that is a "must tell" is the sparse checkout 
feature - none of the DVCSs have this, and it's a pretty damn useful part of 
the whole.

There's the OSS training from Polarion:
"SubTrain is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License so you are 
free to use it and adapt it to your needs. For more information, see Using 

You could base your session on that, and contribute back to it.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Gavin Baumanis []
> Sent: 10 August 2011 12:42
> To: Development
> Subject: Subversion Session.
> Hi there,
> I have been invited to provide a session for an upcoming ColdFusion
> conference in Melbourne, Australia.
> Since I am the current Patch Manager and advocate of using Subversion for
> version control - I thought I would suggest a session about using Subversion.
> I envisage the session having the usual intro of what is source control and 
> why
> you should use it.
> How Subversion came to be (to fix the short-comings of CVS) and where you
> can get it.
> For the "body" of the session I thought I would treat it like an O'reilly
> cookbook of how to do tasks with SVN.
> Quick points of;
> * Traditional directory structure
> * Repository version numbering
> * Check-In
> * Check-Out
> * Committing
> * SVN Keywords
> * Setting SVN Keywords on ALL files.
> * Architectural Changes of SVN 1.7
> But the majority of the session would be use-cases of merging.
> From my own experience I found merging to be the most difficult to learn and
> retain, so I am sure it's a usage of SVN that others have had similar issues 
> with.
> * Cherry-picking
> * Re-integrate
> * Reverse merging
> * Using svn merge to simulate a "svn update --dry-run" (svn merge --dry-run -r
> * Resolving Conflicts
> * Resolving Tree Conflicts (svn resolve --accept working PATH/FILES / svn
> resolve --accept theirs-full PATH/FILES)
> My reason for posting here, is;
> Have I missed anything that you would consider to be a "must-have" in a
> discussion of SVN?
> Are there any "papers" available about SVN that I might be able to use for
> research of my session and / or dissemination?
> Any relevant threads that people can think of?
> (
> (I will of course provide appropriate credit  / references.)
> Additionally, is there any "admin" I need to observe when promoting SVN?
> Does it matter, at all, that I have a "role" in the project?
> As always - Thanks.
> Gavin.

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