On Wed, Aug 10, 2011 at 2:02 PM, Ketting, Michael <
michael.kett...@rubicon.eu> wrote:

> Our repository is open source, so, in case you believe it helps with
> benchmarking/finding the bottleneck, you're welcome to exporting the trunk (
> https://svn.re-motion.org/svn/Remotion/trunk/) and creating a new
> benchmark repository. Am I correct in my assumption that building a new
> repository based only on the latest revision of the trunk would result in
> similar performance figures given it appears to be a client related issue?
I am doing some testing with your repository.  I get similar times as you do
when using your repository from a Windows client.

However, every time I checkout your repository using 1.6.17 it runs for
about 5 minutes but always ends in failure:

svn: Your .svn/tmp directory may be missing or corrupt; run 'svn cleanup'
and try again
svn: Can't open file
The system cannot find the path specified.

So I have no idea if the checkout is only half complete.  SVN 1.7 runs to
completion but takes about 11 minutes.

I am not sure why you do not get this same error, but I assume you are
looking for it.


Mark Phippard

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