[Joe Schaefer]
> They're using the ASF CMS to manage the www.openoffice.org website,
> which is full of 10 years worth of accumulated legacy spanning 50 or
> so different natural languages.  The CMS is "too slow" during commits
> to template files or such which change the generated html content of
> virtually every file on the site.

Wait, so, the CMS regenerates stuff when you change a template.  Fair
enough, that's just caching.  But you are saying it also _stores_ the
generated content in a _repository_?  To me that would be, as they say,
"the real wtf".

I don't think Subversion was ever meant to be a backend for
archive.org, storing snapshots of generated websites.  Obviously it can
be used for that, but IMO much better to just generate the website,
store the html files on a flat filesystem, and regenerate from history
if you need history.

> 1) convert the templating system to use SSI, which would eliminate
> most of the sledgehammer type commits.

Of course SSI is an option, but just storing the generated files on a
normal filesystem instead of in a repository would (I suspect) be a
much less disruptive way to stop putting 9 GB of generated files in svn
at a time.

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