Merging would be simpler if the user didn't have to think about doing the 
"keep-alive dance" after a reintegrate [1].

I'm trying to teach the sync merge to detect when a reintegrate has been done, 
so that we could avoid the need for r45 in the following typical sequence:

| Rev  Branch Commit

|      A   B

| r10  X

|      | \

| r20  |   X  "New branch B, a copy of A."

|      |   |

| r30  |   X  "Modify B."

|      | / |

| r40  X   |  "Reintegrate from B into A."

|      | \ |

| r45* |   X  "Record-only merge to keep B alive."
|      |   |
| r50  X   |  "More work in A."

|      | \ |
| r60  |   X  "Sync from A into B."

A patch in progress is attached.  It makes 'merge' detect when one of the 
revision ranges to be merged would include changes that have 
already been merged in the opposite direction.  At present it stops the merge, 
giving a friendly error message.  I would like to make it skip the particular 
revision(s) and continue to merge all the other revisions in the range, but 
first we need to get the detection right.

Using the above example, if we don't do the r45 record-only merge, then during 
the last sync merge (which will be committed in r60), the normal merge tracking 
code first determines that the revision range to be merged is r11-r50 [2].  
Then the new code detects that this incoming change brings in new mergeinfo 
about merges *from* the current target branch B.  Therefore the new code will 
stop and complain.

That's all right for simple cases but it's not good enough.

We can say for sure that when we reintegrated B to A (in A:40), that will have 
added new mergeinfo on A describing merges from B.  However, if change A:40 had 
instead been a different merge into A, let's say from C, it is still possible 
that merge might have brought along some new mergeinfo describing merges from 
B, because of the way mergeinfo is propagated from branch to branch.  
Therefore, if we find that change A:40 adds new mergeinfo about merges from B, 
we cannot simply say that A:40 describes a reintegrate merge from B.  We need 
to look more closely.  That's what I'm currently working on.

- Julian

[1] See the end of 
[2] Assume HEAD is r50 at this time.

Attachment: merge-avoid-reflective-1.patch
Description: Binary data

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