[Branko Cibej]
> It'd certainly be better to somehow get regular expressions included
> in APR.

The only problem there (aside from the apr 1.0 feature freeze you
mentioned) is that there are so many flavors of RE out there (Emacs,
Perl/PCRE/C#, POSIX Basic, POSIX Extended, and one or two others) that
it sounds like a giant bikeshed to be painted.  That, or they'd try to
support _all_ variants, with switch flags, and end up with a huge mess.

> We did fairly well without requiring regular expressions before
> ... and regex's are a bit of a temptation since the look like an
> all-purpose hammer, and many problems that could be solved without
> them suddenly depend on regular expressions. :)

OTOH, we _did_ stop using XML for wc metadata around 1.3 or 1.4.
Surely XML is an "all-purpose hammer" too.  (:

You're right about the temptation, of course.  In Perl, most
programmers use far more RE matches than strictly required to solve
their problems, since RE matching has such simple, convenient syntax.

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