On 12 feb 2012, at 16:59, Stefan Sperling wrote:

> On Sun, Feb 12, 2012 at 04:47:45PM +0100, Thomas Åkesson wrote:
>> Would it make sense to formalize the different approaches into a
>> couple of RFCs attempting to summarize the respective implications of
>> each approach? I could try to write one up for the "Non-normalizing
>> approach". 
> Detailed design specs and proposals are always welcome and useful.
> Of course, we cannot tell in advance whether they will be implemented.
> But the more concrete and detailed information we have about different
> solutions and trade-offs, the more likely it is that this problem will
> be resolved at some point.

I have almost completed a first iteration of a more detailed spec for the 
proposal. I have difficulty with the details of wc-ng since I have no "under 
the hood" knowledge. I hope someone is willing to help out with wc-ng insight. 
I will happily iterate the proposal to capture that.

Will post the proposal tomorrow... ok today (Monday).

/Thomas Å.

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