Philip Martin <> writes:

> It may be TEXT but it is also PRIMARY KEY and according to the SQLite
> docs:
>    INTEGER PRIMARY KEY columns aside, both UNIQUE and PRIMARY KEY
>    constraints are implemented by creating an index in the database (in
>    the same way as a "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX" statement would). Such an
>    index is used like any other index in the database to optimize
>    queries. As a result, there often no advantage (but significant
>    overhead) in creating an index on a set of columns that are already
>    collectively subject to a UNIQUE or PRIMARY KEY constraint.

If I create a repository using 1.7 and look at the rep-cache.db I see:

$ sqlite3 rep-cache.db "select * from sqlite_master" | grep index

An index has been created automatically and so adding another index can
only slow things down.

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