Blair Zajac wrote:

> Since we discussed this, we moved the Subversion server to a new box and 
> from RAID to FusionIO storage and we're still getting the core dumps 
> with the same stack trace, so I don't think its memory corruption.

I meant I suspect corruption of this process's state by any mechanism, which 
could be buffer overflows, bad multi-threading, and so on.  You wrote before, 
"I'll run our our backend severs on the dev cluster in valgrind and see if we 
pick up anything there."  Were you able to try that?  Or just load the core 
dump files into GDB and see what you can see?

> Yesterday, we got two core dumps within 30 minutes of each other.
> Would looking at the txn files in progress tell us anything?
> Having the empty files, such as changes, is that odd?  Could that be a hint?

No, that's not interesting, that's just the result of crashing out at the point 
where it did -- in the middle of doing a commit.

- Julian

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