On Mon, Jun 18, 2012 at 10:40:49AM +0200, Joern Mueller wrote:
> Hello all,
> I already sent this issue to the users list some days ago, but so far did not 
> get any hints from there. As this unclosed connections are really causing 
> problems for our server, I´m consulting the devlist now also with it. (Sorry 
> for crossposting.)
> I'm using the svn 1.7.5 SDK on Win32 with VS2005. For some reason every call 
> fetching data from the server opens up it's own socket connection but doesn't 
> close it when data retrieval is finished. I tried this with for the functions 
> svn_client_status4(), svn_client_update4() and svn_client_checkout3(), but I 
> guess the problem is not specific to one or some functions. When examining 
> the sockets in TCPView they are generally listed as 'established', some 
> however even pop out of their host process and live on in the system process 
> (PID:0) as 'waiting' for some time. When closing down the application the 
> remaining connections also go the latter way. This behaviour results in 
> hundreds of open connections (e.g. when checking the status of all files of a 
> project) which is more than the server can/should handle.
> Please give me any advice if there is a possiblity to close svn connections 
> by function call or by limiting the life span of connections when they are 
> established. Of course I also will appreciate all other hints and ideas.
> Please CC my e-mailaddress to any replies, as I´m not receiving the dev-list. 
> Kind regards and Thanks in advance
> Jörn Müller

Hi Jörn,

have you tried clearing (with svn_pool_clear()) or even destroying (with
svn_pool_destroy()) pools passed to the svn_client_* functions? That should
close sockets and also free other resource (temporary allocations, file
descriptors, etc.). You can clear a scratch_pool right after each call,
and a result_pool (if any) once you don't need the results anymore.

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