> Now, if we can find a way to expose the revprops to the start-commit hook,
> all three RA layers should be able to provide early detection of commits
> that would fail in pre-commit for revprop-related reasons.  (And we should
> consider this independently of the whole client-version capability stuff.)

The ideal solution (for me) would be a start-commit hook that could
query a temporary transaction that had everything (except actual file
content) just like pre-commit can.  That way I could use svnlook -t to
block based on snv:log and/or the list of incoming changed files.
Doing all of those blocks that I do now with pre-commit but before
sending the actual file content would be great!

This is a bit different but related.  I currently also block really
big commits by looking at the transaction size on disk.  It would also
be nice to get an idea of the transaction size too before the entire
transaction content has been sent.  However, I don't know if the
client knows this size before the transaction content is sent to the


- Mark

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