Justin Erenkrantz wrote on Thu, Aug 30, 2012 at 06:20:41 -0400:
> On Thu, Aug 30, 2012 at 3:11 AM, Johan Corveleyn <jcor...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > But more to the point: anybody have a solution in mind? If it's not
> > Windows-only then some Windows defines wont help of course. Buffering
> > the output may be the only way to eliminate this bottleneck? What are
> > the pros and cons, and how hard would that be? Any other ideas?
> You *could* change the notification system to emit in batches rather
> than print a line per-item as invoked.  But, that might not be worth
> it...from a usability perspective, we're likely not going to want to
> write to the console in blocks of say 100 if the console screen height
> is 25.  IIRC, in my analysis on Unix (where which shell you were using
> had a noticeable impact), the time it takes to write 25 lines was the
> same as writing 1 line

Which _shell_ you were using had an impact?  I can see how the terminal
emulator in use, the $TERM value, etc would have an impact... but why
does the identity of svn's parent process have any effect?

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