Looks like i don't have that problem on a fresh build machine. But i am using VC 2012 and i do see quite a few errors to do with msgfmt and the build_locale.bat.

Since when you run gen-make.py vc2012 doesnt work so using 2008 and opening the *.sln in MSVC to convert it all. Its currently building with:

pushd subversion-1.7.7
set PARMS=-t vcproj --vsnet-version=2008
set PARMS=%PARMS% --with-berkeley-db=C:\subversion-builds\svndeps\32bit\bdb\
set PARMS=%PARMS% --with-httpd=C:\subversion-builds\svndeps\32bit\httpd
set PARMS=%PARMS% --with-neon=C:\subversion-builds\svndeps\32bit\neon
set PARMS=%PARMS% --with-serf=C:\subversion-builds\svndeps\32bit\serf
set PARMS=%PARMS% --with-sqlite=C:\subversion-builds\svndeps\32bit\sqlite-amalgamation
set PARMS=%PARMS% --with-zlib=C:\subversion-builds\svndeps\32bit\zlib
set PARMS=%PARMS% --with-openssl=C:\subversion-builds\svndeps\32bit\openssl
set PARMS=%PARMS% --with-libintl=C:\GnuWin32
set PARMS=%PARMS% --with-swig=C:\swig

python gen-make.py %PARMS%


I see the java tests failing a lot and i get:

cmd /c build_locale.bat Debug
  The system cannot find the path specified.
  A subdirectory or file ..\..\Debug\mo already exists.
  Running msgfmt on de.po...
python: can't open file '..\..\build\strip-po-charset.py': [Errno 2] No such file or directory (null): error while opening "de.spo" for reading: No such file or directory Could Not Find C:\subversion-builds\subversion\subversion-1.7.7\build\win32\vcnet-vcproj\de.spo
  Running msgfmt on es.po...
python: can't open file '..\..\build\strip-po-charset.py': [Errno 2] No such file or directory (null): error while opening "es.spo" for reading: No such file or directory Could Not Find C:\subversion-builds\subversion\subversion-1.7.7\build\win32\vcnet-vcproj\es.spo

And those

c1 : fatal error C1083: Cannot open source file: '????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????': No such file or directory [C:\subversion-builds\subversion\subversion-1.7.7\build\win32\vcnet-vcproj\libsvn_wc.vcxproj]
c1 : fatal error C1083: Cannot open source file: '?

I feel a bit confused been working on trying to build subversion on windows for nearly a week. Seems most things are baed on using VC6 or cygwin or old MSVC 200{3,5}


On 04/10/12 19:18, Branko Čibej wrote:
On 04.10.2012 17:19, Mat Booth wrote:
I believe it should just do a simple "copy svn_private_config.hw
That might work in 1.7 but won't in 1.8, which uses a transform script
on Windows to fill in some variables that are really only known at build
time (e.g., architecture -- Windows builds can be cross-compiles).

I have it knobbled in my build script to do the copy before invoking
the solution build because I never figured out why the solution didn't
copy it.
But there's this in the svn_config.vcxproj file:

<CustomBuild Include="$(SolutionDir)\subversion\svn_private_config.hw">
   <Message Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Debug|Win32'">Creating 
svn_private_config.h from svn_private_config.hw.</Message>
   <Command Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Debug|Win32'">copy 
$(SolutionDir)\subversion\svn_private_config.hw $(SolutionDir)\subversion\svn_private_config.h &gt; 

In other words, you should see a svn_config project in the subversion
solution, and within that project an enty for svn_private_config.h, and
the custom build command should be the "copy" you're proposing.

-- Brane

On 4 October 2012 16:00, Mark Phippard <markp...@gmail.com> wrote:
I paid closer attention this time.  The file is *not* generated when I
run the Python script.  When I build the solution from the command
line the file is generated, so it must be done as part of the Visual
Studio build scripts.

On Thu, Oct 4, 2012 at 10:19 AM, Philip Herron
<philip.her...@wandisco.com> wrote:
Maybe gen-mak.py didn't run properly i will re-check. Its just a really
buggy batch file i have so might be my fault sorry. Will recheck. Though
then again if gen-mak.py didnt run i wouldnt have had the *.sln to run
msbuild over.


On 04/10/12 15:14, Mark Phippard wrote:
Did you run the Python script (gen-make.py) to generate the Windows
build files?  That is a first step required in doing a Windows build
and that is what generates that file from the template.  The
equivalent of running ./configure on *nix.


On Thu, Oct 4, 2012 at 10:11 AM, Philip Herron
<philip.her...@wandisco.com> wrote:
Building on Windows vc2005 i had problem with svn_private_config.h not
found in the .zip its named: svn_private_config.hw not sure if this is a
of mean to be some kind of *.h.in file for autoconf or something. But
thought it was worth noting.


On 04/10/12 07:25, Ben Reser wrote:
The 1.7.7 release artifacts are now available for testing/signing.
Please get the tarballs from
and add your signatures there. Thanks!


Mark Phippard

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