On Wed, Oct 10, 2012 at 8:27 PM, Julian Foad <julianf...@btopenworld.com> wrote:
> Ben Reser wrote:
>> Those interested in taking part you'll want to bring with you your
>> keyid/fingerprint/uid information.
> Here are my keys.  The new (4096R) key has just been generated, signed by the 
> old key and uploaded to key servers subkeys.pgp.net and keys.gnupg.net.  I'm 
> working through the blog entry you mentioned; let me know if anything seems 
> not quite right.
> pub   1024D/353E25BC 2008-04-21
>       Key fingerprint = 6604 5A4B 43BC F994 7777  5728 351F 33E4 353E 25BC
> uid                  Julian Foad <julianf...@btopenworld.com>
> sub   2048g/AC1665DA 2008-04-21
> pub   4096R/4EECC493 2012-10-11
>       Key fingerprint = 6011 63CF 9D49 9FD7 18CF  582D 1FB0 64B8 4EEC C493
> uid                  Julian Foad <julianf...@btopenworld.com>
> uid                  Julian Foad <julianf...@gmail.com>
> uid                  Julian Foad <julian.f...@wandisco.com>
> sub   4096R/9D5140CB 2012-10-11

Only suggestion I would make would be to include your apache.org email
address as a UID.

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