On 24 okt 2012, at 15:37, Roderich Schupp wrote:

> On Wed, Oct 24, 2012 at 6:09 AM, Daniel Shahaf <d...@daniel.shahaf.name> 
> wrote:
>> Daniel Shahaf wrote on Wed, Oct 24, 2012 at 06:07:45 +0200:
>>> I can't reproduce this.  'curl -s https://svn.apache.org/repos/private/'
>> Since I didn't pass -u, in both cases I was browsing as an anonymous user.
>>> That server runs 1.7.0.
> SVN 1.7.7 here and I tested as an authenticated user (<Location /svn>
> does "require valid-user"). I'm not listed in the
> AuthzSVNAccessFile and it doesn't contain any * or $special rules either.

I was able to reproduce after reconfiguring from SVNParentPath to SVNPath.
- With Satisfy All (default): curl -s http://... -u username
- With Satisfy Any: curl -s http://...

Got similar output to what Roderich posted when authz configured such that user 
has no access.

If this behaviour appeared in SVN 1.7, then it seems likely that we are seeing 
another side effect of the very change that this thread started from: i.e. the 
"fix" for issue 2753. That fix presumably removes authz when accessing "/" 
regardless whether that means the list of repositories or the root of a single 

At minimum, this should be changed such that removal of authz on "/" only 
applies if referring to actual server root. That would enable hosting 
SVNParentPath directly on server root while reverting to 1.6 authz for the 
other cases: SVNParentPath in /somepath/  and SVNPath configs. Somewhat half 
baked since the "leak" will remain when hosting SVNParentPath directly on 
server root but ok for other configs.

A better solution is the earlier suggestion to filter list of repositories 
based on actual access to the individual repositories. That would remove the 
non-obvious behaviours which is somewhat important with authz.

Thomas Å. 

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