Peter Samuelson wrote on Thu, Nov 08, 2012 at 11:01:37 -0600:
> [Daniel Shahaf]
> > it's what allows Windows users to create versioned symlinks:
> > 
> >   printf "link bar" > foo && svn add foo && svn ps svn:special yes foo && 
> > svn ci
> > 
> > If we don't like changing the specialness of a local addition, we could
> > deprecate (or break) that behaviour and have people run
> > 'svn add --with-revprop svn:special=yes foo' instead.
> (Where we understand you didn't actually mean 'revprop'.)
> We have that option already ... unfortunately it doesn't actually work:

Time to file a bug report, then!
(Good catch)

>     $ echo bar > foo
>     $ svn add --config-option config:miscellany:enable-auto-props=yes \
>               --config-option config:auto-props:foo=svn:special=1 foo
>     A         foo
>     $ ls -l foo
>     -rw-r--r-- 1 peters peters 4 Nov  8 10:57 foo
>     $ svn ci -mm
>     svn: E145001: Commit failed (details follow):
>     svn: E145001: Entry '/tmp/foowc/foo' has unexpectedly changed special 
> status
> Peter

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