On Thu, Nov 8, 2012 at 12:34 PM, vijay <vi...@collab.net> wrote:

> On Wednesday 07 November 2012 08:57 PM, Stefan Fuhrmann wrote:
>> On Wed, Nov 7, 2012 at 3:02 PM, vijay <vi...@collab.net
>> <mailto:vi...@collab.net>> wrote:
>>     On Tuesday 06 November 2012 08:09 PM, Stefan Fuhrmann wrote:
>>         On Mon, Nov 5, 2012 at 5:24 PM, vijay <vi...@collab.net
>>         <mailto:vi...@collab.net>
>>         <mailto:vi...@collab.net <mailto:vi...@collab.net>>> wrote:
>>              Hi,
>>              This patch implements '--include-externals' option to 'svn
>>         list'
>>              [Issue #4225] [1].
>>              All tests pass with 'make check' & 'make davautocheck'.
>>              Attached the patch and log message.
>>              Please review this patch and share your thoughts.
>>              Thanks in advance for your time.
>>              Thanks & Regards,
>>              Vijayaguru
>>              [1]
>> http://subversion.tigris.org/_**___issues/show_bug.cgi?id=4225<http://subversion.tigris.org/____issues/show_bug.cgi?id=4225>
>> <http://subversion.tigris.org/**__issues/show_bug.cgi?id=4225<http://subversion.tigris.org/__issues/show_bug.cgi?id=4225>
>> >
>>              <http://subversion.tigris.org/**
>> __issues/show_bug.cgi?id=4225<http://subversion.tigris.org/__issues/show_bug.cgi?id=4225>
>> <http://subversion.tigris.org/**issues/show_bug.cgi?id=4225<http://subversion.tigris.org/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=4225>
>> >>
>>         Hi Vijay,
>>         Not sure whether these points have already been
>>         discussed in previous threads, but the following
>>         two points caught my attention:
>>              +typedef svn_error_t *(*svn_client_list_func2_t)(
>>              +  void *baton,
>>              +  const char *path,
>>              +  const svn_dirent_t *dirent,
>>              +  const svn_lock_t *lock,
>>              +  const char *abs_path,
>>         o.k.
>>              +  svn_boolean_t notify_external_start,
>>              +  svn_boolean_t notify_external_end,
>>              +  const char *external_parent_url,
>>              +  const char *external_target,
>>         Maybe, this should be modeled to create a more "seamless"
>>         appearance. Only keep the external_parent_url member.
>>         If it is NULL, this entry has not been pulled in here by
>>         some external. Otherwise it contains the parent URL as
>>         defined by your patch.
>>         I don't see the see the need to expose more information.
>>         Why would you need to group externals? The external_target
>>         member should be given implicitly by path / dirent.
>>         Am I missing something here?
>>     The external_target member will not be given by path / dirent.
>>     We will get it by parsing the externals description.
>>     Suppose that path1 in repo1 has svn:externals set to path2 in repo2.
>>     When we list path1 with externals included,
>>     1. First, list path1.
>>     2. Then, process all the externals defined under path1. Parse
>>     through the individual external description and populate
>>     external_target.
>>     For example,
>>     external description under path1:
>>     external_desc = exdir  http://<url-of-path2-in-repo2>
>>     external_target = exdir
>>     external_parent_url = http://<url-of-path1-in-repo1>
>>     url of external = http://<url-of-path2-in-repo2>
>>     3. List the entries by reaching 'url of external'.
>> OK, I now see what you are trying to do here -
>> I had read to much into the code.
>> However, in this form, the added functionality is
>> of limited use, IMHO. I understand that what you
>> list is basically which paths you would get for a
>> "svn co $url".
>> While this is fine, I see two issues with it:
>> * trees don't get overlayed. Example:
>>    $>svn ls $URL -R
>>    sub1
>>    sub1/fileA
>>    sub1/fileB
>>    sub2
>>    $>svn propget "svn:externals" $URL
>> http://somewhere/ sub1/subsub
>>    $>svn ls $URL -R --include-externals
>>    sub1
>>    sub1/fileA
>>    sub1/fileB
>>    sub2
>>    sub1/subsub [external].
>>    Desired output
>>    sub1
>>    sub1/fileA
>>    sub1/fileB
>>    sub1/subsub [external @$URL].
>>    sub2
> I was referring externals related code base in checkout/update and export
> while implementing this option.
> From subversion/libsvn_client/**update.c
> <snip>
> /* We handle externals after the update is complete, so that
>      handling external items (and any errors therefrom) doesn't delay
>      the primary operation.  */
> </snip>
> So I preferred the same for 'list' also. But there is a difference in
> externals processing between the commands checkout/update and list. The
> former processes the externals by default. The latter processes externals
> only if we specifically ask it. What should we do here?

I think if the goal is to behave the same way
that export / co do, then your approach is
correct. I can live with that.

Listing externals seems to be unusual enough
to not make it the default in our CL UI. I would
expect many tools to run "svn ls" and expect
each line to contain an actual sub-folder or file.
There is no need to break that assumption by

Compatibility trumps consistency in that case.

>> * result of ls on a sub-folder results in less output
>>    $>svn ls $URL/sub1 -R --include-externals
>>    fileA
>>    fileB
>>    Desired output:
>>    fileA
>>    fileB
>>    subsub [external @$URL].
> Bert raised the same question and C-Mike answered here [1].

Thanks for the pointer.

> The current implementation uses svn_ra_get_dir() to fetch all properties
> and filters "svn:externals" under current list target. I don't know how to
> extend it for externals defined higher up in the tree.

If we want to follow the "do as co does" route,
reading info from higher up the tree would be

In fact, if I can't get a nice in-lined handling of
externals, I would prefer the implementation to
fetch exactly the data within the given sub-tree.
Due to the reuse of ra sessions, this is faster
than two svn_client_* calls and requesting
parent info for every call would slow things down

-- Stefan^2.

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