On Mon, Nov 12, 2012 at 2:28 AM, Thomas Åkesson
<thomas.akes...@simonsoft.se> wrote:
> On 9 nov 2012, at 18:45, Ivan Zhakov wrote:
>> On Thu, Nov 8, 2012 at 6:49 PM, Thomas Åkesson
>> <thomas.akes...@simonsoft.se> wrote:
>>> Parentpath on /svn/ and Satisfy Any:
>>> - Access without auth displays repositories with anonymous access, auth is 
>>> not requested.
>>> - Access with auth displays filtered list. Works well when browser has 
>>> previously
>>> been on an authenticated path. This is the situation when Satisfy Any and 
>>> filtered
>>> Collection of Repositories does not work well.
>> That's why mixing anonymous and authenticated access is not good thing.
> Yes, I am just trying to cover all bases including the possibility that 
> people are depending on the inconsistency that we are addressing.
>>> - Did a test with AuthzSVNAnonymous Off, which gave the quite surprising 
>>> result
>>> that all content was listed both on Collection of Repositories and within 
>>> the
>>> repositories. I doubt this is the intended behaviour?!?
>> I agree, this is really strange behavior. Could you check this
>> behavior with my patch? It's very low chance that my patch changes
>> this behavior.
> I have tested both with and without your patch. As expected, the patch has no 
> impact on the AuthzSVNAnonymous issue.
> There seems to be an issue when "AuthzSVNAnonymous Off" is combined with 
> "Satisfy Any"; opens up the fort completely. Neither authn nor authz is 
> required.
> I think the problem is with access_checker, perhaps this part (has changed a 
> few times during the years):
>   if (!conf->anonymous
>       || (! (conf->access_file || conf->repo_relative_access_file)))
>     return DECLINED;
> I am not quite sure how a DECLINE manages to bypass "Require valid-user" 
> though. I understand how an OK would though.
>>> - What is going on with AuthzSVNAnonymous Off? I will do more analysis of 
>>> the
>>> code (focusing on access_checker in mod_authz_svn.c) but it would be great 
>>> if
>>> someone could elaborate a bit on the intent.
>> It would be nice if you confirm that my patch does not change
>> AuthzSVNAnonymous Off behavior in this case I'll commit my patch and
>> we may focus on this issue.
> Confirmed as far as my testing goes (did not test short_circuit). I suggest
> committing the patch with GET subrequest and potentially change all to
> HEAD in a separate commit if there is consensus.
Committed in r1408184.

Ivan Zhakov

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