[Philip Martin]
> I assume WANdisco's package is intended to replace the libraries in the
> standard Debian or Ubuntu libsvn1 package, in which case you need to use
> the same patch.  If you ship -1.so.0 libraries then applications linked
> to the -1.so.1 libraries will fail to start.

Well, they'll fail to start _if_ your package is actually named
'libsvn1' and thus replaces the system libsvn1.  Calling a package
'libsvn1' implies that you intend to ship libsvn_*-1.so.1.  And
certainly the obvious course is to use my ABI patch, but if you'd
rather stay truer to upstream Subversion, just name your library
package something else (we called it libsvn0 before the patch) and the
two packages can happily coexist on a system.  Apps compiled for the
one will use the one, apps compiled for the other will use the other.

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